(Source: IG @mssallyng)
I’m sure that you’ve heard the myth that black people fear the sun, to avoid getting darker and that tanning is out of the question, however, if you have kids who play sports or simply love summer water activities you know that old adage is far from the truth. African Americans are taking advantage of the natural Vitamin D provided by the sun, which is great, just make sure you are enjoying the God’s given rays safely.
With the misconceptions that people with dark skin tones don’t need to wear Sunscreen that includes a SPF is dangerously false. Sunscreen that contains SPF determines how long your skin can stay uncovered and not burn. The higher the SPF the longer your skin can stay exposed to the sun without burning. Although, it is true that people with darker skin don’t tend to sunburn as easily as those with lighter skin colors because of the increased amount of epidermal melanin. People with very dark skin are considered to have a natural SPF of 13 that filters and blocks sun UV rays. However, at the end of the day, we’re all still susceptible to skin cancer, sun spots and wrinkles.
Keeping in mind that African-Americans don't get sunburned as easily as fair skinned folks, we're still at risk for skin cancer. The main cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, and according to the National Cancer Institute, over one million people are diagnosed a year. (blackdoctor.org)
Take a look at these tips to ensure that your melanin is glowin’ all summer long!

Apply sunscreen that contains an SPF of at least 15 every day. Marcia Williams, naturopath and creator of Global Sun, created the first sunscreen specially formulated for people of color, says, “After scouring the market, and finding no sunscreen that met the needs of people of color and decided to create one.” "I want people of color to understand how important it is to use sunscreen. And it's not just for the beach. It's for construction workers. Or playing golf ... any time you're out in the sun."
(Source: IG @_jpeg_)
Be pay attention to the risks of log exposure in the sun and check for discolorations new or changing moles. “It’s true that the vast majority of Acral Lentiginous Melanomas occur in fair-skinned people, but it’s important to know that dark-skinned people can get skin cancer, too,’’ says Maral Skelsey, a surgeon and skin cancer specialist who leads the Georgetown University Medical Center’s Dermatologic Surgery Center. (Bob Marley died of ALM in 1981) - source
Enjoy and apply this safe sun tips while you get your glow on!