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New Moon, New Month!

The new moon represents new beginnings and is the perfect time to reset and reevaluate. As you go into the new month, bring awareness to your growth, set clear intentions for the goals you've written down, or start that project you've been pushing to the side. Let us help you get there by doing the following self-practices:

New Moon Self-Practices:

  • MEDITATE: Meditating helps clear your mind and declutter unnecessary thoughts. Set aside 10-15 minutes to sit still. Turn on a soothing sound bath playlist or sit in silence as you practice taking deep breaths in and out.

  • MOON BATH: Rejuvenate and recharge with a moon bath. This type of ritual helps connect you to your true inner self and unlock raw emotions.

Steps to Preparing A Moon Bath:

  1. Prepare Your Salt: Draw a bath and add a mixture of 1/2 a cup of epsom salt and a 1/4 Himalayan pink salt.

  2. Grab Your Favorite Essential Oils and Herbs: Essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, sage, or frankincense are great for a new moon bath. You can also add fresh or dried flowers to your bath.

  3. Light A Candle and Burn Your Sage: While lighting your candles, set clean intentions for this new cycle.

  4. Meditate: Clear all of your thoughts from any fears and worries, connect with your true, deep emotions. After meditating, get rid of any mental blocks that you have about the intentions you have set. For example: You're looking for a new job or want to start a new business. You'll want to start by limiting negative thoughts and self-talk such as, "I'm not qualified for that position," or "No one will buy my products." Letting go of the negativity will allow you to manifest what it is that you want.

  5. Self-Massage: Grab an oil and glow. After, rubbing your body down with oil, sit down and write down your intentions and watch them come true.

  • REFLECT: One of the most important things to do during this time is to reflect and journaling is the perfect tool for this. During this reflection, let's focus on growth! What has changed or worked for you since the last new moon? Will you continue to do the routine you have set in place or will you make some adjustments to find what best suit you? Here are a few journal prompts to get you started!

Journal Prompts (@cleanseandco):

  • What are my intentions for this year?

  • What do I want to achieve?

  • How can i put my best self forward?

  • How can I find more balance in my life to do so?

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